Our No Gossip Contract

Our team at Glass Specialists of Billings is very intentional about creating a fun and positive culture. Our integrity as a company is very important to us as we work together, as well as our work with each and every one of our guests.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Over the years we have come to the realization the number one enemy of a positive culture is gossip. We believe gossip to be the most destructive behavior on the planet.  So, we teamed up together to fight it!We all agreed to hold each other accountable and if caught saying something negative about a third person that wasn’t present, we would have to drop and give them 20 push-ups!

Our Commitment

After a couple weeks we were all in great shape! It was a challenge however after a couple months we felt we had made serious progress. We decided to take it a step further and sign a contract that we could display.  We now have the above whiteboard hanging in our lobby.


Our Escape Room Outing


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